What amazes me most when I look at these pictures is that it appears that we're leading a very normal life -- and indeed we are, despite the rather unique circumstance of having five kids under five! It is so validating that we are able to be out and about, to socialize with friends and, well, to just be -- at home or away.
Like many other families, we had an action-packed 4th of July weekend... we spent the 3rd at the beach, the 4th included a parade, a pool and fireworks and on the 5th, friends had us over for a barbeque... needless to say, these are very good (and very brave!) friends!
We look forward to many more summer adventures although, we admittedly crammed a bit too much into the July 4th weekend extravaganza and we are now paying the price... Ciara spent Sunday night throwing up in her "big girl bed", Kevin has a nasty cold, Declan has an ear infection that has kept us all up for nights, Des' back is still aching from lugging so many kids to so many places and as for me, well, never one to learn my lesson the easy way, I'm still intent on planning the next adventure. Stay tuned to see where the Lyons Family Circus lands next... and trust me, if it's a place near you, you'll hear us coming! :)
Thanks for sharing Ker! We are waiting for the circus to hit the wild west! The suit is so cute on Ciara and I can't believe Liam is now hosting his own story time! Miss you tons and hope you all had a good but perhaps more relaxing weekend.
That picture of Liam reading to the trips is beyond words. SO, SO cute! Thanks for sharing! :-)
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