Saturday, October 22, 2011

Finding time for the "Me" in Mommy

Do you struggle finding time for yourself?  Me too.  I've often noted that one of the perks of being a working mom is that work is the only place I get to pee without someone sitting on my lap.  Gross, but true. 

The funny thing is, I've found that having more kids than most (five of them, with the oldest being six) has actually made me better at finding time for me.  Maybe it's because I know my limits now; I know I NEED time for me to be a good Mom.  And I know when I don't find a way to squeeze in some me-time, I'm more like Mommie-Dearest than the dear Mom I'd like to be.

While I'd like to say that I enjoy a weekly manicure, monthly massage or even a haircut every three months, I don't.  These are indulgences of not only time but money that frankly isn't in the budget right now.  I'd also like to say that I enjoy a sweet-smelling bubble bath a few nights a week but, since we only have one tub and I know of at least three tiny tykes who routinely pee in it, well, the bubble bath dream has lost its allure.

My "me-time" happens in other ways.  Often before sunrise.  It may be a cup of coffee while checking in with facebook friends. It may be an early-morning run with a group of gal-pals who advise, inspire and motivate me. On occasion, it's diving into a mindless magazine and glass of wine after the tots are tucked in.  Once a month, it's my book club meeting... even if I haven't found enough me-time to actually finish the book.  Sometimes (though nearly often enough!), it's a girls night out -- a few hours with a few friends goes a long way toward recharging my battery and reminding me that I'm not alone; the challenges we face as Moms are universal -- including the challenge of finding time for yourself!

The point is, with just a bit of effort, it is possible to carve out a few minutes just for you.  I still have a long way to go... one day I would like to get that manicure on a Sunday afternoon while the triplets are napping and big kids play in the yard with Dad. For now, I'm actually happy to participate in all the kid moments I can when I'm not at work and squeeze in all the me-time I can while the kids are sweetly snoozing.  

How do you do it?  Would love to hear your suggestions here, on facebook or twitter!

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