October 15, 2008
Irvington couple have rare identical triplets
Hoa NguyenThe Journal News
Kerry and Desmond Lyons and their three bundles of joy got a taste of the celebrity life yesterday morning as they walked out of New York Presbyterian hospital to a legion of paparazzi.
The North Dutcher Street couple, who were leaving the maternity ward, said the experience felt a little surreal.
"The best part was when we walked out of the hospital, the collective 'oohs' and 'ahhs' and then the applause," said Desmond Lyons, 41, a lawyer at the Sleepy Hollow firm of Lyons McGovern.
The couple are proud parents of identical triplets - Kevin, Declan and Cormac - born Friday.
The triple births are a rarity, particularly because the Lyonses conceived without any fertility drugs.
Some scientists estimate they occur in as few as 1 in 100 million births.
The Lyonses, who have been married six years, already have two children, a 3-year-old son, Liam, and a 2-year-old daughter, Ciara.
Giving birth this time around was more nerve-racking because they knew the risks were much greater, said Kerry Lyons, 37.
"It was just scarier," she said. "There was so much at risk."
Among other things, the couple and their doctors were concerned the babies would be born premature and underweight, which is often the case with twins and triplets.
But the couple encountered few problems, and Kerry Lyons delivered the triplets by Caesarean section after 36 weeks of pregnancy. Pregnancies typically last 40 weeks, with the average for triplets at 32 weeks, the couple said.
"I feel pretty good, lucky," said Kerry Lyons, an executive at an Internet media company. "The odds were they were going to be premature. ... By all accounts, they're good-sized babies."
Kevin was born weighing 6 pounds while Declan was 5 pounds, 8 ounces and Cormac was 5 pounds, 3 ounces.
For now, the identical triplets are hard to tell apart, so the Lyonses will keep the hospital bracelets on the babies for a little longer. They also will make sure to keep the triplets positioned in the same order they were born, particularly when taking photos. That way, when they get older and look back on the pictures, they will be able to identify themselves.
As the couple returned home to their tight-knit, family-friendly cul-de-sac neighborhood, they were greeted with a "Welcome Home Lyons and Cubs" banner their neighbors had made by hand for them.
Neighbors said the couple have been awe-inspiring in how they have handled the highly risky pregnancy, particularly Kerry Lyons, who continued to work at her job until the last moment possible.
"She's very inspiring," said neighbor Selene Smerling, 47.
With the neighborhood teeming with young children, the new triplets won't have any problems fitting in, residents said.
"It's going to bring a lot of joy to them and it's going to bring a lot of joy to this block," said Daniella Sarnoff, 41.
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