Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Friday, November 28, 2008
Triple Boys, Triple Joys
In case you were concerned the media frenzy for the cubs had faded, never fear! Click here for the lastest tidbit from the NY Post: https://www.nypost.com/seven/11282008/news/regionalnews/triple_boys__triple_joys_141214.htm
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
1 Month Update!
Here is the link to the photos: http://gallery.me.com/kristinandalbert#100126&bgcolor=black&view=grid
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Triple Threat?!?!
Thought you might find the latest mini-update from "the Den" a bit amusing. Apparently all the media attention has gone to their heads! :) Just 3.5 days more to go till I go to New York where I will teach Kerry how to update this site herself (and use a digital photo frame - trust me, it is nowhere near as simple as it looks!).................
Ok, just when you thought it couldn't get any crazier around here, guess who we had come to visit tonight?!
10 firefighters
One police chief with official car
One fire chief with official car
One ladder truck
One pumper truck and,
One basic fire truck!
Yep. I think our neighbor Daniella summed it up best when she noted that we're now desperate for media attention and offered to call The Post with the headline "Triple Threat"!!!
Long story short, there was a nasty electrical burning smell coming from The Trips room -- and no, it wasn't just a nasty diaper smell; it was really a bad electrical stink. So, after the friendly local fire guys checked the outlets, the walls, the ceiling and the entire house including the attic crawl space and basement, it turns out the culprit was a lamp with faulty wiring -- conveniently located right next to the Lyons Cubs' changing table. So, all is well that ends well and, it is now a lot darker in the tiny room shared by Kevin, Declan and Cormac... perhaps this will lead to sleeping through the night... we can only hope!!
Good night! :)
Family Dinner Drive - Website Sign up
Below please find an email I received from one of Kerry's special friends - they are organizing a dinner drive with the intent of keeping the meals arriving until year end. It is very easy to sign up - just click on the link below. Thank you Stephanie and Karen for setting this up and thanks to all the dinner providers! - Aunt Kristin
Stephanie's Email:
As many of you have heard, on October 10th Kerry and Desmond Lyons of Irvington, N.Y. welcomed identical triplet boy into their family. Identical triplets are extremely rare and were conceived with out invitro. They feel very blessed to have 3 health little babies boys to add to their quickly growing family. We can only just image how busy Kerry and Des must be with their 2 toddlers and the triplets. Taking care of the family is an around the clock job at the moment at the Lyons house. There is not much time to cook but there is a need for a nice warm meal at the end of the day. Many people have express an interest in helping, but were not sure what help was needed. We would like to invite you to join our dinner drive to ensure that their family can sit down together each night for a meal.
Stephanie's Email:
As many of you have heard, on October 10th Kerry and Desmond Lyons of Irvington, N.Y. welcomed identical triplet boy into their family. Identical triplets are extremely rare and were conceived with out invitro. They feel very blessed to have 3 health little babies boys to add to their quickly growing family. We can only just image how busy Kerry and Des must be with their 2 toddlers and the triplets. Taking care of the family is an around the clock job at the moment at the Lyons house. There is not much time to cook but there is a need for a nice warm meal at the end of the day. Many people have express an interest in helping, but were not sure what help was needed. We would like to invite you to join our dinner drive to ensure that their family can sit down together each night for a meal.
Our goal is to the keep sending dinners to the end of the year, but we would love for it to go on as long as we have volunteers. If cooking is not your thing, prepared or store bought food is also welcomed.
We have set up an on line calendar to coordinate and help feed the Lyons Den. The site is called Lotsa Helping Hands" and the link is:
Sign onto our community web site and then select a date you would like to prepare a meal. If the drop off time does not work for you they will also have a cooler on their front porch earlier drop offs.
It is very exciting to have identical triplets born into our community. Kerry and Des appreciate all the help and the well wishes.
Thank you,
Please feel free to pass this email on to anyone who may be interested!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Three Times a Baby - Irish Voice News Article
Three Times a Baby! October 22, 2008
By April Drew
CORMAC, Kevin and Declan Lyons are miracle babies. The trio, born to Desmond and Kerry Lyons on October 10, are identical triplets, a very rare phenomenon which is all the more astounding because they were conceived naturally. Identical triplets are as rare as in one in one hundred million births according to some experts.
Desmond, 41, whose father was born in Co. Cork, and Kerry, 37, whose Irish roots lie in Munster also, welcomed the Irish Voice into their home on Monday, 10 days after the birth of their bundle of joys and four days after they arrived home. The triplets join three-year-old son Liam and one-year-old daughter Ciara, and their dog Finnegan, making it quite a growing family tree.
Desmond and Kerry both agree that their adorable babies have already brought tremendous joy into their now very busy lives.
“Aren’t they just handsome!” smiled Kerry proudly.
Liam, who has been crowned “Chief of the Little People” by his mom and dad, returns from visiting friends to proudly introduce his brothers.
“This is Cormac,” he said as he points to a beautiful baby dressed in green.
“And this is,” he pauses, turns to his mom and asks, “Who is this?”
“This is Kevin and that is Declan,” she smiles back at him.
“Oh ya,” he nods in confirmation.
Little Ciara, who wakes from her nap with a smile and joins the rest of her family on the porch, tells her mother she wants to kiss her new brothers. Gently she reaches over each of the three babies — Kevin in Dad’s arms and Cormac and Declan in Mom’s — and plants a loving kiss on their foreheads.
“Again,” she asks.
Kerry, 37, obliges. “She is dad’s little princess,” whispers Kerry.
In the short space of feeding their sons on the porch, several neighbors popped by to bring dinner or offer a helping hand to the Lyonses.
“Our neighbors have been just great. I really don’t know what we will do when we have to start going back to cooking,” laughed Kerry.
Desmond, who visited Ireland regularly as a child with his parents, is a partner in the Lyons/McGovern law firm in Sleepy Hollow with a second office in Manhattan. Lyons is also active in a variety of business and trade related organizations such as the Ireland-U.S. Council for Commerce and Industry, the Ireland Chamber of Commerce in the U.S. and the Westchester County Association.
Being a busy man before the arrival of the triplets — Desmond is also the president of the Brehon Law Society in Westchester County and serves as village prosecutor for the Village of Irvington, the Village of Elmsford and the Village of Sleepy Hollow -– he is now doing a great job dividing his time between work and family life.
When the kids all get a little older, and a routine has been firmly put in place, Lyons said it is his dream to bring the family to Ireland to show them the birthplace of their grandfather, Michael, who passed away a few years ago, months after being honored by Irish America magazine as a Top 100 Irish Americans honoree.
“We’ll have to bring them there to kiss the Blarney Stone,” jokes Desmond.
In the meantime, little Liam tells him he “must” go back to visit his friends across the street. Weeks away from his fourth birthday, Liam is never short for words.
Kerry, who works as a client service director with Mindset Media, an Internet ad network for brands located in Manhattan, is hoping to return to work in the New Year.
“Well, that is the plan for now but we will have to see how we can work it out with these little boys,” she said as she continues to feed one of the triplets.
It was at her 10-week ultrasound that Kerry discovered the “shocking yet wonderful” news that she was expecting a “multitude of babies.”
Planning for just one more child to complete their family, Kerry and Desmond, who met when they were both volun-teers for the Inner-City Scholarship Fund, said it was a total shock, but they were absolutely delighted.
While facing practical concerns like where were they going to fit all the children in their modest three bedroom home and how will they fit five car seats in their mid size vehicle (which, by the way they have done nicely, even though Ciara and Liam have to be put into the car through the trunk), the Lyonses, who have been married six years, began preparing for the arrival of the triplets months before they were born.
“Ciara and Liam used to have their own room but now they share and thankfully it is working out great so far,” said Desmond.
Concerned about many things, including the possibility of the babies being born premature and underweight — a regular occurrence with twins and triplets — the Lyonses prayed that everything would work out fine, and it did.
The triplets arrived after 36 weeks of pregnancy. Most pregnancies last 40 weeks, but the average for triplets is 32, according to the couple.
Kevin was born weighing 6 pounds, Declan was 5 pounds, 8 ounces and Cormac was 5 pounds, 3 ounces.
Kerry, who is looking radiant after the births, admitted she was very scared while lying in the operating room at New York Presbyterian Hospital in Manhattan the day of their birth because of the risks involved with having triplets.
However, her worry was in vain. All three boys were delivered via a cesarean section and arrived as healthy as each other.
Kerry said that the staff at the hospital “were just phenomenal,” creating a relaxing atmosphere for her before, during and after the birth.
On choosing their names, Cormac, Kevin and Declan, Lyons said it was important to them to keep there Irish heritage alive through giving all five of their children Irish names.
Having to be fed every three hours, Kerry said they are aiming to have all three boys fed within an hour so they can have two hours to spend time with Ciara and Liam and prepare for the next feeding. A baby nurse is currently helping out with the triplets, but she will be finishing up in the next few days and then, they said, the fun will really begin.
Kerry, who is still recuperating after her operation, said her mother and father, Katie and Kevin O’Connor, are elated at the birth of their triplets and have been wonderful in lending a helping hand. “They are just delighted,” she said.
Creating a system to identify each of the children, Kerry explains that for the moment color and order are the way they distinguish each child from the other.Cormac is always dressed in green, Declan in blue and Kevin is everything else. Each baby is placed in the same order in their crib and car seats to avoid confusion.“We haven’t yet had to paint their toenails to tell them apart,” laughs Kerry.They also keep them in the same order when taking photos so when the boys grow up they will know who is who.
Asked if there are any differences at all between the three boys, Kerry said apart from a v shape at the back of Kevin’s neck on his hairline, they are identical.“We have to write everything down just to be on the safe side,” said Kerry.
Kerry and Desmond credit their church, the Immaculate Conception in Irvington, for being an “absolute wonderful support.”Said Kerry, “They put an announcement in the weekly bulletin about the pregnancy and there was an overflowing of diapers and lots of baby stuff from the congregation.”In fact, the Lyonses’ dining room table is piled high with diapers and baby products all donated from fellow church members and neighbors in their quiet cul de sac street in the village of Irvington. “People have been just wonderful,” said Desmond.
Liam’s pre-school, the Good Shepherd Early Childhood Center in Irvington, have also set up a dinner drive for the family to alleviate some of the pressures of daily life for them.
Looking forward to what the future has to offer, Kerry and Desmond and their five bundles of joys (and not forgetting Finnegan) will spend as much quality time together as a family.
There will be, however, “no more babies,” smiles Kerry.
Three Times a Baby! October 22, 2008
By April Drew
CORMAC, Kevin and Declan Lyons are miracle babies. The trio, born to Desmond and Kerry Lyons on October 10, are identical triplets, a very rare phenomenon which is all the more astounding because they were conceived naturally. Identical triplets are as rare as in one in one hundred million births according to some experts.
Desmond, 41, whose father was born in Co. Cork, and Kerry, 37, whose Irish roots lie in Munster also, welcomed the Irish Voice into their home on Monday, 10 days after the birth of their bundle of joys and four days after they arrived home. The triplets join three-year-old son Liam and one-year-old daughter Ciara, and their dog Finnegan, making it quite a growing family tree.
Desmond and Kerry both agree that their adorable babies have already brought tremendous joy into their now very busy lives.
“Aren’t they just handsome!” smiled Kerry proudly.
Liam, who has been crowned “Chief of the Little People” by his mom and dad, returns from visiting friends to proudly introduce his brothers.
“This is Cormac,” he said as he points to a beautiful baby dressed in green.
“And this is,” he pauses, turns to his mom and asks, “Who is this?”
“This is Kevin and that is Declan,” she smiles back at him.
“Oh ya,” he nods in confirmation.
Little Ciara, who wakes from her nap with a smile and joins the rest of her family on the porch, tells her mother she wants to kiss her new brothers. Gently she reaches over each of the three babies — Kevin in Dad’s arms and Cormac and Declan in Mom’s — and plants a loving kiss on their foreheads.
“Again,” she asks.
Kerry, 37, obliges. “She is dad’s little princess,” whispers Kerry.
In the short space of feeding their sons on the porch, several neighbors popped by to bring dinner or offer a helping hand to the Lyonses.
“Our neighbors have been just great. I really don’t know what we will do when we have to start going back to cooking,” laughed Kerry.
Desmond, who visited Ireland regularly as a child with his parents, is a partner in the Lyons/McGovern law firm in Sleepy Hollow with a second office in Manhattan. Lyons is also active in a variety of business and trade related organizations such as the Ireland-U.S. Council for Commerce and Industry, the Ireland Chamber of Commerce in the U.S. and the Westchester County Association.
Being a busy man before the arrival of the triplets — Desmond is also the president of the Brehon Law Society in Westchester County and serves as village prosecutor for the Village of Irvington, the Village of Elmsford and the Village of Sleepy Hollow -– he is now doing a great job dividing his time between work and family life.
When the kids all get a little older, and a routine has been firmly put in place, Lyons said it is his dream to bring the family to Ireland to show them the birthplace of their grandfather, Michael, who passed away a few years ago, months after being honored by Irish America magazine as a Top 100 Irish Americans honoree.
“We’ll have to bring them there to kiss the Blarney Stone,” jokes Desmond.
In the meantime, little Liam tells him he “must” go back to visit his friends across the street. Weeks away from his fourth birthday, Liam is never short for words.
Kerry, who works as a client service director with Mindset Media, an Internet ad network for brands located in Manhattan, is hoping to return to work in the New Year.
“Well, that is the plan for now but we will have to see how we can work it out with these little boys,” she said as she continues to feed one of the triplets.
It was at her 10-week ultrasound that Kerry discovered the “shocking yet wonderful” news that she was expecting a “multitude of babies.”
Planning for just one more child to complete their family, Kerry and Desmond, who met when they were both volun-teers for the Inner-City Scholarship Fund, said it was a total shock, but they were absolutely delighted.
While facing practical concerns like where were they going to fit all the children in their modest three bedroom home and how will they fit five car seats in their mid size vehicle (which, by the way they have done nicely, even though Ciara and Liam have to be put into the car through the trunk), the Lyonses, who have been married six years, began preparing for the arrival of the triplets months before they were born.
“Ciara and Liam used to have their own room but now they share and thankfully it is working out great so far,” said Desmond.
Concerned about many things, including the possibility of the babies being born premature and underweight — a regular occurrence with twins and triplets — the Lyonses prayed that everything would work out fine, and it did.
The triplets arrived after 36 weeks of pregnancy. Most pregnancies last 40 weeks, but the average for triplets is 32, according to the couple.
Kevin was born weighing 6 pounds, Declan was 5 pounds, 8 ounces and Cormac was 5 pounds, 3 ounces.
Kerry, who is looking radiant after the births, admitted she was very scared while lying in the operating room at New York Presbyterian Hospital in Manhattan the day of their birth because of the risks involved with having triplets.
However, her worry was in vain. All three boys were delivered via a cesarean section and arrived as healthy as each other.
Kerry said that the staff at the hospital “were just phenomenal,” creating a relaxing atmosphere for her before, during and after the birth.
On choosing their names, Cormac, Kevin and Declan, Lyons said it was important to them to keep there Irish heritage alive through giving all five of their children Irish names.
Having to be fed every three hours, Kerry said they are aiming to have all three boys fed within an hour so they can have two hours to spend time with Ciara and Liam and prepare for the next feeding. A baby nurse is currently helping out with the triplets, but she will be finishing up in the next few days and then, they said, the fun will really begin.
Kerry, who is still recuperating after her operation, said her mother and father, Katie and Kevin O’Connor, are elated at the birth of their triplets and have been wonderful in lending a helping hand. “They are just delighted,” she said.
Creating a system to identify each of the children, Kerry explains that for the moment color and order are the way they distinguish each child from the other.Cormac is always dressed in green, Declan in blue and Kevin is everything else. Each baby is placed in the same order in their crib and car seats to avoid confusion.“We haven’t yet had to paint their toenails to tell them apart,” laughs Kerry.They also keep them in the same order when taking photos so when the boys grow up they will know who is who.
Asked if there are any differences at all between the three boys, Kerry said apart from a v shape at the back of Kevin’s neck on his hairline, they are identical.“We have to write everything down just to be on the safe side,” said Kerry.
Kerry and Desmond credit their church, the Immaculate Conception in Irvington, for being an “absolute wonderful support.”Said Kerry, “They put an announcement in the weekly bulletin about the pregnancy and there was an overflowing of diapers and lots of baby stuff from the congregation.”In fact, the Lyonses’ dining room table is piled high with diapers and baby products all donated from fellow church members and neighbors in their quiet cul de sac street in the village of Irvington. “People have been just wonderful,” said Desmond.
Liam’s pre-school, the Good Shepherd Early Childhood Center in Irvington, have also set up a dinner drive for the family to alleviate some of the pressures of daily life for them.
Looking forward to what the future has to offer, Kerry and Desmond and their five bundles of joys (and not forgetting Finnegan) will spend as much quality time together as a family.
There will be, however, “no more babies,” smiles Kerry.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Cub-date: 10 Days Old!
I thought I would provide a brief "cub"-date now that the boys are ten days old. Of course this is unfortunately all second hand as I have yet to meet them - just ten more days or so to go for me!
According to Kerry, everyone is doing well. Liam and Ciara are quite "helpful" though Liam is apparently the more gentle helper at this point. The cubs mostly eat, sleep, and use their diapers at this point and Kerry is obviously grateful to have help for another week from Chris with the trips (and of course Jean, who continues to look after Liam and Ciara).
I think what I found most surprising is Kerry's statement that it is in fact easier right now having three newborns and recovering from a C-section than the last 4-6 weeks of her pregnancy. Just another testament to what an incredibly strong and amazing person Kerry is.
Okay - I will leave you with a few photos from the Lyons Family photo shoot with the Irish Voice yesterday (the family will appear in the paper tomorrow) and some words from Kerry herself after their third visit to the pediatrician in one week. It appears there was a mix up with the triplets at one of the first visits which suggested one was losing weight while another had gained a lot of weight but two subsequent visits proved all three are right on track....from Kerry:
Here's today's Cub-date/Trip-date:
Here's today's Cub-date/Trip-date:
Kevin weighs in at 6 lbs -- his color is red although, it's really become "all but blue & green" Declan weighs in at 5 lbs, 10 oz -- his color is blue -- b/c he was baby "B"
Cormac (aka Baby Mac) weighs 5 lbs, 7 oz and his color is green.
We're trying to tell them apart by using any combo of clothes, hats, bibs, blankets, etc. in their color. I haven't resorted to the nail polish yet but i did buy it and, much to Des' dismay, am not afraid to use it!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
The Cubs are Now International
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Triplets Remain on Center Stage - Yahoo Home Page Video
Click on the picture to enlarge.
Also, here's a clip from NY1!
Food for the Lyons Den
Hi all,
Kerry's two high school friends - Kim and Karin - are organizing meals for Kerry and the Lyons Den as they acclimate to the three new additions to their household.
If interested in donating to the "meal fund", please send a check to:Karin Boucher 293 South Pleasant Ave Ridgewood, NJ 07450. Karin will keep up with who has made donations so that Kerry will know of your gift...Karin has also agreed to deliver the food to Kerry. We got her started with 6 meals the other day and hope to keep this going for a while...
Kerry's two high school friends - Kim and Karin - are organizing meals for Kerry and the Lyons Den as they acclimate to the three new additions to their household.
If interested in donating to the "meal fund", please send a check to:Karin Boucher 293 South Pleasant Ave Ridgewood, NJ 07450. Karin will keep up with who has made donations so that Kerry will know of your gift...Karin has also agreed to deliver the food to Kerry. We got her started with 6 meals the other day and hope to keep this going for a while...
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Wow - Two TV appearances in one day....
And the Yahoo home page - what more can one ask for at four days old?
More pictures and press clips of the "Cubs"!

October 15, 2008
Irvington couple have rare identical triplets
Hoa NguyenThe Journal News
Kerry and Desmond Lyons and their three bundles of joy got a taste of the celebrity life yesterday morning as they walked out of New York Presbyterian hospital to a legion of paparazzi.
The North Dutcher Street couple, who were leaving the maternity ward, said the experience felt a little surreal.
"The best part was when we walked out of the hospital, the collective 'oohs' and 'ahhs' and then the applause," said Desmond Lyons, 41, a lawyer at the Sleepy Hollow firm of Lyons McGovern.
The couple are proud parents of identical triplets - Kevin, Declan and Cormac - born Friday.
The triple births are a rarity, particularly because the Lyonses conceived without any fertility drugs.
Some scientists estimate they occur in as few as 1 in 100 million births.
The Lyonses, who have been married six years, already have two children, a 3-year-old son, Liam, and a 2-year-old daughter, Ciara.
Giving birth this time around was more nerve-racking because they knew the risks were much greater, said Kerry Lyons, 37.
"It was just scarier," she said. "There was so much at risk."
Among other things, the couple and their doctors were concerned the babies would be born premature and underweight, which is often the case with twins and triplets.
But the couple encountered few problems, and Kerry Lyons delivered the triplets by Caesarean section after 36 weeks of pregnancy. Pregnancies typically last 40 weeks, with the average for triplets at 32 weeks, the couple said.
"I feel pretty good, lucky," said Kerry Lyons, an executive at an Internet media company. "The odds were they were going to be premature. ... By all accounts, they're good-sized babies."
Kevin was born weighing 6 pounds while Declan was 5 pounds, 8 ounces and Cormac was 5 pounds, 3 ounces.
For now, the identical triplets are hard to tell apart, so the Lyonses will keep the hospital bracelets on the babies for a little longer. They also will make sure to keep the triplets positioned in the same order they were born, particularly when taking photos. That way, when they get older and look back on the pictures, they will be able to identify themselves.
As the couple returned home to their tight-knit, family-friendly cul-de-sac neighborhood, they were greeted with a "Welcome Home Lyons and Cubs" banner their neighbors had made by hand for them.
Neighbors said the couple have been awe-inspiring in how they have handled the highly risky pregnancy, particularly Kerry Lyons, who continued to work at her job until the last moment possible.
"She's very inspiring," said neighbor Selene Smerling, 47.
With the neighborhood teeming with young children, the new triplets won't have any problems fitting in, residents said.
"It's going to bring a lot of joy to them and it's going to bring a lot of joy to this block," said Daniella Sarnoff, 41.
Triplets Head Home
Lyons Triplets on CBS
Triplets Arrive!

Dear Family and Friends,
The Lyons triplets have arrived and they’re healthy and adorable.
On behalf of Kerry and Desmond, I’m delighted to share the news of the birth of our darling identical triplets:
Kevin Patrick, 6 pounds
Cormac Francis, 5 pounds, 8 ounces
Declan Gerard, 5 pounds, 3 ounces
Kerry and the "boys" are doing very well—this is truly a miracle. Thank you for all of your kindness and prayers.
Our warmest regards, Katie and Kevin O’Connor
Last Night as a Family of Four
Hi there,
Well, for those of you who were expecting to see me, Des, Liam and Ciara on The Early Show tomorrow, you'll have to wait until next week... we have a far more exciting morning planned now that the Littlest Lyons Cubs (aka "the trips") will be delivered tomorrow morning instead of on Saturday morning. These little guys aren't even here yet and already they are keeping us on our toes!
Des will be in touch with news and details after our little ones arrive... thanks again to all of you for your prayers and good wishes!
Good night from the Lyons Den... our last night here as a family of four!
Well, for those of you who were expecting to see me, Des, Liam and Ciara on The Early Show tomorrow, you'll have to wait until next week... we have a far more exciting morning planned now that the Littlest Lyons Cubs (aka "the trips") will be delivered tomorrow morning instead of on Saturday morning. These little guys aren't even here yet and already they are keeping us on our toes!
Des will be in touch with news and details after our little ones arrive... thanks again to all of you for your prayers and good wishes!
Good night from the Lyons Den... our last night here as a family of four!
Late Little Lyons Cubs to appear on Early Show?!
Hi there,
Well, isn't this ironic... our littlest Lyons cubs have remained holed up on the inside for just about a month longer than anticipated and, as a reward for their lateness, it seems that they're going to make their real world debut on The Early Show on CBS!!
Now, I dont' want to count our eggs before they're hatched (in more ways than one!) but, assuming that the little guys aren't born before the planned c-section this Saturday, the 11th, the Lyons Family Circus will be making an appearance on The Early Show this Friday, the 10th (for the "before" segment of the story) and either next Monday or Tuesday, the 13th/14th for the "after" segment -- to introduce the Lyons triplets to their adoring public... or something like that!
It seems that in these times of economic mayhem and political debate, our little cubs will make for a nice human interest story... especially given the odds of 1 in 200 million of actually conceiving identical triplets.
I'm sure you've all been wondering if/when the little ones arrived and, of course, they are not here yet! I'm fairly certain that I'll go into labor on Thursday night and hence miss our first (and likely only!) TV appearance but, quite frankly, given the way I feel (not to mention LOOK!) right now, I'd rather just have these babies than have the 15 minutes in the spotlight! That said, assuming we do get our little moment of fame, I thought some of you might be interested in tuning in to witness it. The Early Show is on CBS from 7-9AM but I'm not sure of the exact timing of our appearance... As they say, stay tuned... :)
Well, isn't this ironic... our littlest Lyons cubs have remained holed up on the inside for just about a month longer than anticipated and, as a reward for their lateness, it seems that they're going to make their real world debut on The Early Show on CBS!!
Now, I dont' want to count our eggs before they're hatched (in more ways than one!) but, assuming that the little guys aren't born before the planned c-section this Saturday, the 11th, the Lyons Family Circus will be making an appearance on The Early Show this Friday, the 10th (for the "before" segment of the story) and either next Monday or Tuesday, the 13th/14th for the "after" segment -- to introduce the Lyons triplets to their adoring public... or something like that!
It seems that in these times of economic mayhem and political debate, our little cubs will make for a nice human interest story... especially given the odds of 1 in 200 million of actually conceiving identical triplets.
I'm sure you've all been wondering if/when the little ones arrived and, of course, they are not here yet! I'm fairly certain that I'll go into labor on Thursday night and hence miss our first (and likely only!) TV appearance but, quite frankly, given the way I feel (not to mention LOOK!) right now, I'd rather just have these babies than have the 15 minutes in the spotlight! That said, assuming we do get our little moment of fame, I thought some of you might be interested in tuning in to witness it. The Early Show is on CBS from 7-9AM but I'm not sure of the exact timing of our appearance... As they say, stay tuned... :)
34 Weeks: STILL waiting to meet the Littlest Lyons Cubs!
Hello again,
Well, by now I thought for sure I'd be sharing some more significant news and attaching pictures of our new little Lyons cubs but alas, the little guys are holding out! The best I can do for now is share the latest news and photos. First, the photos...
The first one is of me, taken yesterday, at 34 weeks. Don't be alarmed and please know that if you find yourself wondering aloud "How is she even standing up?" that you aren't alone. That was the prevailing sentiment as I waddled my way through NY Presbyterian for several doctor's appointments yesterday!
The other two pictures are of Liam and Ciara's first days of "school"... very cute, if I do say so myself! They both seem to be happily adjusted to their new routines even though Liam announced one day last week that "I don't need to go to school anymore Dad. I can already count to ten AND I know my ABCs!" Huh, we'll take that under consideration Liam...
Now, as for the latest update on the "trips"... they are HUGE!!!!!!! Babies B and C weigh roughly 4 lbs, 12 oz each and Baby A, the front runner, is breaking all sorts of records and weighing in at roughly 5 lbs., 12 oz. Now, it may be worth noting that when I was born, I only weighed 5 lbs, 7 oz so, in my mind, these guys are really ready to greet the outside world!! I tell you, what a difference a few weeks makes...
Only 6 weeks ago, each visit to the doctor was filled with a bit of fear and a lot of anticipation and prayers for these little guys to be strong and healthy. Now, while of course I still hope and pray for them to be strong and healthy, I'm also secretly hoping for a spike in my own blood pressure or some other minor ailment that will prompt my doctor to promptly deliver these babies and put me out of my overly preggo misery!
But, try as I might, after yesterday's visit, my blood pressure was lower than that of the nurse who took it and, after an hour of monitoring, there was "nary a contraction." So, despite my remarkable size and extreme discomfort, we were all sent home. My doctor scheduled a c-section for October 11th and assured me that I can hold out and will survive for another 2 weeks... when I pointed out that Oct. 11th is actually 16 days, not 2 weeks, she blatantly laughed at me and told me to tough it out. Easy for her to say!
Long story short, if I don't go into labor in the next 2 weeks (actually, 15 days but, who's counting?!), Oct. 11th will be the big day for us. We'll keep you all posted and we continue to be grateful for all of your moral support, good wishes and prayers... they are clearly working and though I gripe about still being preggo, I know that we are truly blessed and the longer the littlest Lyons cubs spend on the inside, the less time they will spend in the NICU and that is truly best for all of us.
Hope this finds you all well and hope you have a great weekend...
Kerry :)
32 Weeks: Q: What do the Littlest Lyons Cubs and the Energizer Bunny have in common?
A. Still going!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yep, I cant' quite believe it but, here it is, September 14th and the littlest Lyons Cubs are still snug as bugs in their very own Lyons Den... i.e. the huge protrusion that has replaced my formerly slim physique!!
As some of you will recall, all along we have been hoping that I/we could make it to 32 weeks. And, not that I'm counting or anything but, I'm now at 32 weeks and 4 days and frankly, I'm feeling like I would have been happy to meet these little guys just about 4 days ago!!! At Thursday's intensive lineup of doctors appointments, we discovered that...
Baby A weighs 4 lbs, 8 oz
Baby B weighs 3 lbs, 14 oz
Baby C weighs 3 lbs, 15 oz
On the upside, all three of them continue to be overachievers, weighing in above the norm for 32 weeks. On the downside, I am still lugging them all around and I must say, it is starting to take its toll on me!! I know I've moaned a bit in past notes about sleepless nights and chronic discomfort... I must say, that was nothing compared to the way I'm feeling now... which is not the least bit surprising given that I am now carrying well over 12 pounds of baby!!
Poor Des, of course, isn't getting any sleep either ... and, on top of that, he has to deal with my semi-serious suggestion that he locate a 12 pound watermelon, attach it to his midriff with duct tape and then try to trot up and down our stairs, climb in and out of the shower, and then roll over a few times... good luck Des! The poor man...
Liam and Ciara continue to be just great -- Liam in particular looks forward to meeting his little brothers and is curious to know "how is the doctor going to break your belly open to get those babies out Mom?" Good question Liam...
Thank you all for your well wishes, phone calls and e-mails. I apologize that I'm not responding as quickly as usual these days... I just can't seem to do anything as quickly as usual these days! That said, I continue to be grateful to be here at home and not stuck in the hospital or on strict bedrest... I've learned to really appreciate the little things -- like simply being here to make pancakes with the kids this morning.
In terms of the gameplan from here, it's really just a waiting game... it is expected that I will go into labor in the next few weeks but if I don't, we scheduled a "date" with my doctor for Saturday, October 11th -- that really ought to make for an interesting week given that Ciara will turn 2 on Oct. 6th and our anniversary is Oct. 12th... never a dull moment! But, of course, I wouldn't have it any other way...
We'll be in touch just as soon as there is news to share... which, as you've likely gathered by now, I hope is sooner rather than later!
Kerry :)
Yep, I cant' quite believe it but, here it is, September 14th and the littlest Lyons Cubs are still snug as bugs in their very own Lyons Den... i.e. the huge protrusion that has replaced my formerly slim physique!!
As some of you will recall, all along we have been hoping that I/we could make it to 32 weeks. And, not that I'm counting or anything but, I'm now at 32 weeks and 4 days and frankly, I'm feeling like I would have been happy to meet these little guys just about 4 days ago!!! At Thursday's intensive lineup of doctors appointments, we discovered that...
Baby A weighs 4 lbs, 8 oz
Baby B weighs 3 lbs, 14 oz
Baby C weighs 3 lbs, 15 oz
On the upside, all three of them continue to be overachievers, weighing in above the norm for 32 weeks. On the downside, I am still lugging them all around and I must say, it is starting to take its toll on me!! I know I've moaned a bit in past notes about sleepless nights and chronic discomfort... I must say, that was nothing compared to the way I'm feeling now... which is not the least bit surprising given that I am now carrying well over 12 pounds of baby!!
Poor Des, of course, isn't getting any sleep either ... and, on top of that, he has to deal with my semi-serious suggestion that he locate a 12 pound watermelon, attach it to his midriff with duct tape and then try to trot up and down our stairs, climb in and out of the shower, and then roll over a few times... good luck Des! The poor man...
Liam and Ciara continue to be just great -- Liam in particular looks forward to meeting his little brothers and is curious to know "how is the doctor going to break your belly open to get those babies out Mom?" Good question Liam...
Thank you all for your well wishes, phone calls and e-mails. I apologize that I'm not responding as quickly as usual these days... I just can't seem to do anything as quickly as usual these days! That said, I continue to be grateful to be here at home and not stuck in the hospital or on strict bedrest... I've learned to really appreciate the little things -- like simply being here to make pancakes with the kids this morning.
In terms of the gameplan from here, it's really just a waiting game... it is expected that I will go into labor in the next few weeks but if I don't, we scheduled a "date" with my doctor for Saturday, October 11th -- that really ought to make for an interesting week given that Ciara will turn 2 on Oct. 6th and our anniversary is Oct. 12th... never a dull moment! But, of course, I wouldn't have it any other way...
We'll be in touch just as soon as there is news to share... which, as you've likely gathered by now, I hope is sooner rather than later!
Kerry :)
30 Weeks: The Littlest Lyons Cub....getting bigger by the day!
Hi there,
Just thought I'd share the latest news from the Lyons Den...
Our little Lyons cubs are bigger by the day and needless to say, so am I! Strangers on the street can't help but stare while silently proclaiming "Wow" as they pass by with their eyes glued to my oversized belly. Then are the ones who feel compelled to share their thoughts and reactions...
"Wow! How overdue are you?!"
"Doesn't your back hurt?"
"There's gotta be more than one in there, right?"
And, my all time favorite "Better you than me!"
There's also a fair amount of unsolicited belly-touching but, since more often than not these friendly gropes are accompanied by a prayer or blessing or both, I just gratefully and gracefully accept them... we can use all the prayers we can get and so far, they seem to be working!
After several doctor's appointments yesterday, I'm pleased to let you know that yours truly and the "trips" are all doing well. Very well, in fact. Each of the Lyons cubs continues to be above average in terms of their weight at 30 weeks... the largest of them all is Baby A, currently weighing in at 3 pounds, 7 ounces -- the 71st percentile -- not too shabby! Following closely behind, Baby B weighs in at 3 pounds, 1 ounce and Baby C is 3 pounds, 3 ounces. Now, if you've done the math, you realize that I'm lugging around close to 10 pounds of baby... which leads me to the following answers to the aforementioned questions from strangers:
"Not due yet and cant' believe I'm still standing up!"
"YES!!!!!!!!! It's killing me! So, could you please move out of my way and let me by?!"
"You betcha!"
"Well, with an attitude like that, I suppose it is better me than you!!!"
When I asked my doctor when we can actually expect these guys to arrive, she surprised me by saying "after you go into labor." Huh. I couldn't help but point out that despite having two children, I've really never gone into labor but, she had a pretty quick retort..."Well, you know when you were here for pre-term labor a month ago? It will feel like that, but worse. And you will call me and get here as fast as you can and then your little guys will be born." Aaaahhhhh... so that's how it works!
So, it looks like I won't be able to pencil a date on the calendar and will just continue my many home organizational projects (aka driving Des crazy!) until the big moment arrives. We're getting really excited to meet our littlest Lyons cubs and are truly grateful that I've made it to 30 weeks. We expect that this wondrous event called labor will kick in for real in the next 2-3 weeks... hopefully not during this Labor Day Weekend, which I hope you all thoroughly enjoy!
All the best to all of you and thanks for your continued prayers and support!
Kerry :)
Just thought I'd share the latest news from the Lyons Den...
Our little Lyons cubs are bigger by the day and needless to say, so am I! Strangers on the street can't help but stare while silently proclaiming "Wow" as they pass by with their eyes glued to my oversized belly. Then are the ones who feel compelled to share their thoughts and reactions...
"Wow! How overdue are you?!"
"Doesn't your back hurt?"
"There's gotta be more than one in there, right?"
And, my all time favorite "Better you than me!"
There's also a fair amount of unsolicited belly-touching but, since more often than not these friendly gropes are accompanied by a prayer or blessing or both, I just gratefully and gracefully accept them... we can use all the prayers we can get and so far, they seem to be working!
After several doctor's appointments yesterday, I'm pleased to let you know that yours truly and the "trips" are all doing well. Very well, in fact. Each of the Lyons cubs continues to be above average in terms of their weight at 30 weeks... the largest of them all is Baby A, currently weighing in at 3 pounds, 7 ounces -- the 71st percentile -- not too shabby! Following closely behind, Baby B weighs in at 3 pounds, 1 ounce and Baby C is 3 pounds, 3 ounces. Now, if you've done the math, you realize that I'm lugging around close to 10 pounds of baby... which leads me to the following answers to the aforementioned questions from strangers:
"Not due yet and cant' believe I'm still standing up!"
"YES!!!!!!!!! It's killing me! So, could you please move out of my way and let me by?!"
"You betcha!"
"Well, with an attitude like that, I suppose it is better me than you!!!"
When I asked my doctor when we can actually expect these guys to arrive, she surprised me by saying "after you go into labor." Huh. I couldn't help but point out that despite having two children, I've really never gone into labor but, she had a pretty quick retort..."Well, you know when you were here for pre-term labor a month ago? It will feel like that, but worse. And you will call me and get here as fast as you can and then your little guys will be born." Aaaahhhhh... so that's how it works!
So, it looks like I won't be able to pencil a date on the calendar and will just continue my many home organizational projects (aka driving Des crazy!) until the big moment arrives. We're getting really excited to meet our littlest Lyons cubs and are truly grateful that I've made it to 30 weeks. We expect that this wondrous event called labor will kick in for real in the next 2-3 weeks... hopefully not during this Labor Day Weekend, which I hope you all thoroughly enjoy!
All the best to all of you and thanks for your continued prayers and support!
Kerry :)
29 Weeks: Update from the Lyons Den
Hi there,
Just thought I share the latest on the Littlest Lyons Cubs... I'm almost 29 weeks and continue to be grateful that the little guys are still on the inside. That said, as grateful as I am, I'm also getting to be a bit grumpy... a fact to which I'm sure poor Des will attest! I must say, it's hard not to be just a bit grumpy and grouchy when life's simplest tasks become either painful, impossible. or both... a few examples include: sleeping, bending over, rolling over, standing up, walking and, forgive me for oversharing but, even getting dressed and undressed... not a pretty sight!
Well, that wasn't really about the little guys at all, was it?! Enough about me... we were really relieved to visit the doctor last week and find out that the three little ones are all in good health. The trips passed a "non stress test" with flying colors and, here's an interesting fact for you to consider... for women who are pregnant with one baby (cutely referred to as a "singleton"), the average weight for that one baby at 28 weeks would be 2 pounds, 4 ounces. Now consider this: at 28 weeks, our very own Baby A weighed in at 2 pounds, 12 ounces, Baby B weighed in at 2 pounds, 8 ounces and Baby C was also ahead of the curve at 2 pounds, 6 ounces! Amazing, huh? Very good for them... not so good for my overall physique but, c'est la vie!
In other news, we ironically spent two Friday nights in a row at New York Presbyterian... our second visit wasn't nearly as dramatic and traumatic as the first. Several gallons of fluids and several hours in the triage area were all it took to get the contractions (a.k.a. my "irritable uterus") back under control. Des and I are pleased to report that we were able to reverse the trend and this past Friday, did NOT have a date night at the hospital... although, sadly, we didn't have a date night at all... we'll have to work on that! In any case, on our second visit we really got to know the Friday night nurses and, dare I say, actually had a few good laughs about the "free refills" and "all you can drink" benefits of the Friday visits... water pitchers, of course! And, as the hours dragged on, we contemplated putting the monitor on Des' belly instead of my own too see if his hunger pangs would register on the monitor... it may not sound funny to you but at the time, we were hysterical -- which, of course, only resulted in me having a contraction and ultimately, laughing the monitor off my large belly... oh well, at least we're still laughing!
Speaking of laughter, it is often the sound we hear coming from Liam and Ciara's room long after lights out... they moved in together just over a week ago and are still getting used to it. While the jolly ruckus they create isn't nearly as charming at 11PM as it is at 8PM, we're hopeful that in a few weeks time they'll be back on their regular schedule... as in asleep BEFORE me and Des!
Hope this finds you all well...
Kerry :)
Just thought I share the latest on the Littlest Lyons Cubs... I'm almost 29 weeks and continue to be grateful that the little guys are still on the inside. That said, as grateful as I am, I'm also getting to be a bit grumpy... a fact to which I'm sure poor Des will attest! I must say, it's hard not to be just a bit grumpy and grouchy when life's simplest tasks become either painful, impossible. or both... a few examples include: sleeping, bending over, rolling over, standing up, walking and, forgive me for oversharing but, even getting dressed and undressed... not a pretty sight!
Well, that wasn't really about the little guys at all, was it?! Enough about me... we were really relieved to visit the doctor last week and find out that the three little ones are all in good health. The trips passed a "non stress test" with flying colors and, here's an interesting fact for you to consider... for women who are pregnant with one baby (cutely referred to as a "singleton"), the average weight for that one baby at 28 weeks would be 2 pounds, 4 ounces. Now consider this: at 28 weeks, our very own Baby A weighed in at 2 pounds, 12 ounces, Baby B weighed in at 2 pounds, 8 ounces and Baby C was also ahead of the curve at 2 pounds, 6 ounces! Amazing, huh? Very good for them... not so good for my overall physique but, c'est la vie!
In other news, we ironically spent two Friday nights in a row at New York Presbyterian... our second visit wasn't nearly as dramatic and traumatic as the first. Several gallons of fluids and several hours in the triage area were all it took to get the contractions (a.k.a. my "irritable uterus") back under control. Des and I are pleased to report that we were able to reverse the trend and this past Friday, did NOT have a date night at the hospital... although, sadly, we didn't have a date night at all... we'll have to work on that! In any case, on our second visit we really got to know the Friday night nurses and, dare I say, actually had a few good laughs about the "free refills" and "all you can drink" benefits of the Friday visits... water pitchers, of course! And, as the hours dragged on, we contemplated putting the monitor on Des' belly instead of my own too see if his hunger pangs would register on the monitor... it may not sound funny to you but at the time, we were hysterical -- which, of course, only resulted in me having a contraction and ultimately, laughing the monitor off my large belly... oh well, at least we're still laughing!
Speaking of laughter, it is often the sound we hear coming from Liam and Ciara's room long after lights out... they moved in together just over a week ago and are still getting used to it. While the jolly ruckus they create isn't nearly as charming at 11PM as it is at 8PM, we're hopeful that in a few weeks time they'll be back on their regular schedule... as in asleep BEFORE me and Des!
Hope this finds you all well...
Kerry :)
27 Weeks: The Littlest Lyons Cubs Update
Hi there,
Sorry if I've been a bit MIA for the past few weeks -- as some of you already know, the littlest Lyons cubs gave us the scare of a lifetime last Friday and I was admitted to NY Presbyterian for pre-term labor. After a terrifying 48 hours at the hospital, they were able to stop the contractions and, as it turns out, what I was likely suffering from wasn't pre-term labor but, in all likelihood was what they call an "irritable uterus"! Now, if you could see the size of me, you would surely understand why my uterus would be irritable! To call it super-sized would really be a modest description of my overall heft! In any case, we are just beyond grateful and thanking God every day that these little people were not born at 26 weeks. The hope is that they will stay in my irritable uterus for another 4-6 weeks... wish us all luck!
I am now officially working from home and staying off my feet as much as possible. I'm not on bedrest but have been advised to limit my physical activites and use my "common sense"... although, that's what scares me most... as most of you know, common sense as it relates to my own personal care is not one of my strong points and, I fear the lack of it may be what landed me in the hospital in the first place!! The good news is that Des has enough common sense for both of us and, frankly, seems to be enjoying telling me what I can and can't do. ;)
As for the little guys, they are each weighing in at about 2 pounds and are doing as well as can be. As for Liam and Ciara, Liam is eager to know when the babies will be arriving... Ciara is just curious to know why I have a "watermelon belly." Des is gracefully jugggling well, pretty much everything... work, cooking, cleaning, grocery shopping, taking care of the kids, Finnegan and me and unfortunately, getting very little sleep due to my tossing and turning and the fact that although I'm sweating, he's freezing in our bedroom with both the AC and the fan on full blast!
So, that's the update from the Lyons den for now. We've made it to 27 weeks and are keeping our fingers crossed that we make it through several more. Hope this finds you all well and look forward to catching up soon.
Kerry :)
Sorry if I've been a bit MIA for the past few weeks -- as some of you already know, the littlest Lyons cubs gave us the scare of a lifetime last Friday and I was admitted to NY Presbyterian for pre-term labor. After a terrifying 48 hours at the hospital, they were able to stop the contractions and, as it turns out, what I was likely suffering from wasn't pre-term labor but, in all likelihood was what they call an "irritable uterus"! Now, if you could see the size of me, you would surely understand why my uterus would be irritable! To call it super-sized would really be a modest description of my overall heft! In any case, we are just beyond grateful and thanking God every day that these little people were not born at 26 weeks. The hope is that they will stay in my irritable uterus for another 4-6 weeks... wish us all luck!
I am now officially working from home and staying off my feet as much as possible. I'm not on bedrest but have been advised to limit my physical activites and use my "common sense"... although, that's what scares me most... as most of you know, common sense as it relates to my own personal care is not one of my strong points and, I fear the lack of it may be what landed me in the hospital in the first place!! The good news is that Des has enough common sense for both of us and, frankly, seems to be enjoying telling me what I can and can't do. ;)
As for the little guys, they are each weighing in at about 2 pounds and are doing as well as can be. As for Liam and Ciara, Liam is eager to know when the babies will be arriving... Ciara is just curious to know why I have a "watermelon belly." Des is gracefully jugggling well, pretty much everything... work, cooking, cleaning, grocery shopping, taking care of the kids, Finnegan and me and unfortunately, getting very little sleep due to my tossing and turning and the fact that although I'm sweating, he's freezing in our bedroom with both the AC and the fan on full blast!
So, that's the update from the Lyons den for now. We've made it to 27 weeks and are keeping our fingers crossed that we make it through several more. Hope this finds you all well and look forward to catching up soon.
Kerry :)
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
A Look Back to Three Weeks Ago: 24 Week Recap
Greetings from Aunt Kristin.
I am quite new to blogging so apologies if the site isn't pretty or fully functioning for a few days (ok, weeks!). Though I'm pretty sure the title of the blog already tipped you off, my sister is pregnant with identical triplets (Yes! Naturally!). I want to share her amazing story with our friends and family and thought a blog would be a good place to start. Be on the lookout for many improvements in future days. In the meantime - here is an update from 24 weeks into her pregnancy, which was about 3 weeks ago (or what feels like 3 years ago if you are in fact the mom to be of the Lyons Triplets!). Stay tuned!
Hello there,
Just thought I'd share the latest update from "the Lyons Den" with you...
Against all odds, it appears that "the trips" are doing as well as they could possibly be at 24 weeks! Yesterday's sonogram revealed that "Baby A" is weighing in at an impressive 1 lb, 8 oz and that Babies B and C are tied at 1 lb, 7 oz. each. This is truly remarkable on a number of fronts... first, it's great news that all three babies are so close in weight and second, well, it's actually quite shocking to find out that all three of them are ABOVE AVERAGE weight for their gestational age... needless to say, my own personal weight is also far above average at this stage of the game but, it's for a good cause and, it seems to be working!!
Speaking of working, I still am -- although, I'm no longer traveling and will be working from home more and more with each passing week. Truth be told, I'm grateful to not be on bedrest but I know that I could end up there any day now.
So, it appears that Des and I are finally out of the "denial" phase and firmly launched into my so-called "acceptance and preparation" phase... as you might imagine, there's a lot of work involved in preparing our very cozy "my first house" for the arrival of three newborns in addition to the relocation of two feisty toddlers! Liam has finally gotten used to the idea of sharing a room with Ciara and they are looking forward to their first "slumber party" in the next few weeks. I spent more hours than I care to admit at Buy Buy Baby today, finally resigned to the fact that we're going to need a ton of bottles, onesies, diapers and wipes... not to mention a few extra cribs!
Speaking of which, I will likely reach out to some of you to borrow some baby items that only get used for a few months... like infant car seats, bouncy seats, swings, bumbos, etc. While it was kind of fun to browse all these shiny new items in the store today, the pragmatist in me can't quite justify buying 2 more of each of these things when I suspect many of you may have them neatly tucked away in your garage, basement or attic... I promise to return any loans as unscathed as possible but, again, I suppose that is a topic for another note!
I hope this finds you all well and look forward to keeping in touch as the chaos in our lives increases by three in the next few months!
Kerry :)
I am quite new to blogging so apologies if the site isn't pretty or fully functioning for a few days (ok, weeks!). Though I'm pretty sure the title of the blog already tipped you off, my sister is pregnant with identical triplets (Yes! Naturally!). I want to share her amazing story with our friends and family and thought a blog would be a good place to start. Be on the lookout for many improvements in future days. In the meantime - here is an update from 24 weeks into her pregnancy, which was about 3 weeks ago (or what feels like 3 years ago if you are in fact the mom to be of the Lyons Triplets!). Stay tuned!
Hello there,
Just thought I'd share the latest update from "the Lyons Den" with you...
Against all odds, it appears that "the trips" are doing as well as they could possibly be at 24 weeks! Yesterday's sonogram revealed that "Baby A" is weighing in at an impressive 1 lb, 8 oz and that Babies B and C are tied at 1 lb, 7 oz. each. This is truly remarkable on a number of fronts... first, it's great news that all three babies are so close in weight and second, well, it's actually quite shocking to find out that all three of them are ABOVE AVERAGE weight for their gestational age... needless to say, my own personal weight is also far above average at this stage of the game but, it's for a good cause and, it seems to be working!!
Speaking of working, I still am -- although, I'm no longer traveling and will be working from home more and more with each passing week. Truth be told, I'm grateful to not be on bedrest but I know that I could end up there any day now.
So, it appears that Des and I are finally out of the "denial" phase and firmly launched into my so-called "acceptance and preparation" phase... as you might imagine, there's a lot of work involved in preparing our very cozy "my first house" for the arrival of three newborns in addition to the relocation of two feisty toddlers! Liam has finally gotten used to the idea of sharing a room with Ciara and they are looking forward to their first "slumber party" in the next few weeks. I spent more hours than I care to admit at Buy Buy Baby today, finally resigned to the fact that we're going to need a ton of bottles, onesies, diapers and wipes... not to mention a few extra cribs!
Speaking of which, I will likely reach out to some of you to borrow some baby items that only get used for a few months... like infant car seats, bouncy seats, swings, bumbos, etc. While it was kind of fun to browse all these shiny new items in the store today, the pragmatist in me can't quite justify buying 2 more of each of these things when I suspect many of you may have them neatly tucked away in your garage, basement or attic... I promise to return any loans as unscathed as possible but, again, I suppose that is a topic for another note!
I hope this finds you all well and look forward to keeping in touch as the chaos in our lives increases by three in the next few months!
Kerry :)
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